Tuesday, 25 August 2015

what's a whatnot?

We recently had an enquiry from a customer to design and make a whatnot.

It’s not an item that we receive requests for very often and after chatting to some friends it would appear that it’s not an item of furniture that many people have even heard of these days.

Whatsnot to like?

A whatnot is the name given to an item of furniture which usually consists of a stand with shelving.

According to dictionary.reference.com the name was first used in the early 1800’s and was so named for the objects it was designed to hold. The term ‘whatnot' is used to describe items that are unspecified which basically means you can use a whatnot for absolutely anything at all! 

So, as a whatnot is such a useful piece of furniture, we decided we’d add one to our eBay shop and see if we can bring the whatnot up to date and change the fortunes of this handy item just a little bit. 

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